Wednesday, January 31, 2007

You Don’t Sweat Much For A Fat Girl

It’s been barely two decades that I’ve been old enough to pay much attention to politics, and during that time I’ve been exposed to roughly 21,957 would-be presidential candidates. My long-term memory doesn’t have enough room to give any one guy too much space, so for the most part I’ve reduced former hopefuls to word-association-style soundbites. Gary Hart? Monkey Business. Bob Dole? Viagra. Joe Biden? Plagiarism.

Yeah, Biden’s late-80s presidential bid failed after he was caught plagiarizing something written by some guy and then — aw, hell, I don’t really care. I’d largely forgotten about the whole thing until today, when I discovered why Biden resorted to stealing someone else’s words: because his own get him into worse trouble than stealing someone else’s ever could.

Check out what Biden had to say when he complimented another presidential hopeful, Barack Obama:

I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Articulate, bright, clean, nice-looking and an African-American? Dude, this stopped being shocking a good fifty years ago. Go back to plagiarizing, Joe. Your chances of winning the election can only improve that way. “What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Barack Obama is the sun!”

(Speaking of plagiarism, I stole those last two links from Metafilter.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, c'mon, Jennifer...give Biden a little credit. After all, it isn't everyone who can stick his foot in his mouth when at the same time he perenially has his head up his ass.

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops! forgot the ;-)

8:34 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Abel said...

If only I could draw, that would be one hell of a picture, Smartass.

8:40 PM  
Blogger David Macharelli said...

Maybe he practices some form of political yoga?

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your headline reminds me of something some guy said to me once years ago. A friend and I were at some fancy dinner reception for the Blue Angels (don't ask), and this coastguard pilot (I think that's what he did, anyway) who was in the buffet line next to me said, "For a thin girl, you sure eat a lot"...

...I was stunned, and in reply said something like, "um...thanks".
But all I could think to myself was, "for someone who will probably try to get fresh with me later" -- (he did, by the way, and unsuccessfully)-- "you sure do say stupid things".

9:41 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Abel said...

Smacky, the headline is a quote supposedly made by a guy named Alex Karras; the connection I tried to make with the post was "Here's a schmuck who's trying to be complimentary, and is too dumb to realize he's actually said something insulting."

10:30 AM  
Blogger Anne O'Neimaus said...

OT: Why are your comments-pages encrypted, but not the main 'blog page? I didn't notice this before, so I think is is a new "security feature", to limit the chances of identifying a respondent by matching the comment with an IP-tagged sniff of the data-stream.

<cynical>Probably to prevent some of the anti-spammer techniques we jokingly discussed, earlier.</cynical>

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I understood the connection. And I know my anecdote doesn't really follow that formula (mine was just an insult softened with a compliment), but your headline nonetheless reminded me of it. I should've been clearer about that.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Abel said...

What do you mean by encrypted, Anne? I had to switch to "new improved blogger" last night (I couldn't make that last post without first re-registering and other such nonsense). So I'm guessing it has something to do with the new program.

Do you mean you have to go through some registration thing to comment? Hmm. I don't like that at all.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smacky, the headline is a quote supposedly made by a guy named Alex Karras

Dammit, Jennifer, you got to stop this making me feel old as hell stuff. There's no way you should preface Alex Karras with "by a guy named..." Everyone knows who Alex Karras is, right?

10:47 AM  
Blogger Anne O'Neimaus said...

@Jennifer: Do you mean you have to go through some registration thing to comment? Hmm. I don't like that at all.

What I mean by encrypted is that the comments page(s) reside(s) at:

Notice the https. This means that communications with that page is SSL encrypted. Nothing wrong with that, if your servers can handle the load. In fact, I wish every page was SSL encrypted. However, it is an unexpected change.

The new site *does* give me some slight problems, in that it wants me to login with my Google Account. My actual Google account uses the same Name as my Blogger account, but a different password. If I first go to my own Blogger page (old style) and login, then browse to your page, there is no problem - my ID is remembered.

I haven't tried to login to my Google account, then browse to your 'blog. It might work as well, except the troubles I'm having suggest that Google doesn't actually know that the two are the same person. Probably because I initially used a different email for my Google account -vs- my Blogger account.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice the https. This means that communications with that page is SSL encrypted.

My only problem is I get the question "This page contains both secure and unsecure..." whatever. I don't know what you mean by Google, unless that's due to you have an account instead of leeching of other people like me ;>

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

["For a thin girl, you sure eat a lot"...] & [just an insult softened with a compliment),]

Gee, Smacky, I must be as clueless as the poor schnook pilot was. Which is the insult...being refered to as thin or being told that you eat alot?

2:32 PM  
Blogger Anne O'Neimaus said...

@A Moose: I don't know what you mean by Google...

When it asks me to choose an identity before posting a comment, it now says:

Choose an identity

Sign in with your Google Account

No Google Account? Sign up here.
You can also use your Blogger account.

This is undoubtedly related to the fact that Google recently purchased the operation.

7:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is undoubtedly related to the fact that Google recently purchased the operation.

Ok, that explains it. I just choose "other" and all you have to do is to put in a name and maintain anonymity but for the IP logging.

9:46 AM  
Blogger rhhardin said...

My trusty windows 95 desktop main machine with netscape 4.0 no longer can read comments. It gets some security error. I assumed you had fallen for the new blogger come-on.

Posting this with my modern camera-accessory laptop.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Anne O'Neimaus said...

@rhhardin: My trusty windows 95 desktop main machine with netscape 4.0 no longer can read comments.

I think Mozilla runs on Windows'95, if you want to keep using your old, relatively reliable, piece of planned obsolescence.

12:29 PM  

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